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Buoni regalo
smart:comp 2delivers clean, well-balanced compression results that remain true to any input signal – no matter whether you are working on single in...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliThe new dimension of EQing simplifies the post-production of harmonic and noise components of audio recordings – freely adjustable and within secon...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliThe smart EQ plug-in for audio editing balances spaciousness and unlocks creative possibilities in the post-production of music and language.smart:...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliThe Metering Bundle contains the plug-ins true:balance and true:level. While true:balance precisely monitors the spectral balance of your track, tr...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliPrime:vocal is an AI-powered tool for vocal cleanup and enhancement, removing noise, reverb, and sibilants, ensuring professional-grade quality.Inf...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliCompletely new possibilities for positioning soundThe proximity:EQ+ plug-in lets you amplify or silence certain parts of your room acoustics – depe...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliEQ plug-in that repositions audio sourceInformazioni: www.sonible.com/proximityeqSocial Media: https://www.facebook.com/sonible
pure:EQ, pure:limit, pure:comp and pure:verb are driven by the technologies used in our smart plug-in range, and are designed with creators in mind...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglipure:comp is a straightforward compression plug-in that can instantly control a track’s dynamics – all at the touch of a single button.AI-powered a...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglipure:EQ offers control over spectral distribution in a simple package – transforming your track’s tone and character in just a couple of clicks.Usi...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliOptimize for all genres of music including podcastspure:limit is the right limiter when your time, focus or workflow requires a tool that delivers ...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglipure:unmask effortlessly tidies up a mix by preventing clashes in the frequency spectrum between two tracks.Informazioni: https://www.sonible.com/p...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglipure:verb creates reverb effects that are an impeccable fit for any input signal, and offers a straightforward yet powerful control set for sound-s...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliSpeed up your workflow and give your audio tracks maximum transparency with the content-aware limiter smart:limit, the source-adaptive reverb smart...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglismart:comp 2 automatically delivers transparent, precise results; providing you with the creative tools that will transform your sound from nice to...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliWhere other de-essers just reduce volume–smart:deess goes far deeperandcreatesa morenatural, better balanced sound.By harnessingthe power of a full...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliThe intelligent equalizer smart:EQ, the powerhouse in sonible’s suite of AI-assistive tools, has become a staple for audio producers the world over...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliThe adaptive equalizer from sonible continuously analyzes audio signals and optimizes them in real-time. smart:EQ live has your back, so you can fo...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliThe adaptive equalizer from sonible continuously analyzes audio signals and optimizes them in real-time. smart:EQ live has your back, so you can fo...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliUse all the perks of advanced technologies to boost your workflow. This bundle contains the essential plug-ins smart:EQ 4, smart:comp 2 and smart:l...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglismart:gate is the answer to reliable gating. The plug-in automatically detects the presence of a chosen target source (e.g. vocals, keys, kick) and...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglismart:limit delivers limiter settings that let your mix breathe and gives you all the loudness and dynamics info you need for confident publishing....
Visualizza tutti i dettaglismart:reverb delivers custom-tailored reverb by adjusting its processing to the individual characteristics of the input material and creates a navi...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliThree EQs that deliver great results and open new creative possibilities in post-production: The intelligent equalizer smart:EQ 3, proximityEQ+ wit...
Visualizza tutti i dettagliGet yourself smart:limit, smart:gate, smart:deess, smart:reverb, smart:EQ 4, smart:comp 2, true:level, true:balance, proximityEQ+ and entropyEQ+ in...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglitrue:balance is a metering plug-in that offers you all the necessary info and guidance for taking the right steps towards optimizing the spectral b...
Visualizza tutti i dettaglitrue:level is a metering plug-in that visualizes the interplay between loudness and dynamics in a meaningful way, making it immediately apparent if...
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